Khalid talk
Khalid talk

Gave tribute to the brave Persian soldiers after the bloody Battle of Ullais.And among the Persians I have never met an enemy like the army of Battle of Ullais. But I have never met an enemy like the Persians. At Battle of Mu'tah I broke nine swords in my hand.Said this during Battle of Ullais which is also known as Battle of blood river.O Lord! If you give us victory, I shall see that no enemy warrior is left alive until their river runs with their blood!.Said this before the decisive Battle of Walaja, when Muslim army ran short of water.By my faith, the water will go to whichever army is more steadfast and more deserving.I am the son of Al Walid ! Will anyone duel ? NO.And then there shall be no terms of any kind." I will give you three days, if the gates are not opened on these revised terms, I shall attack.I am the pillar of Islam! I am the Companion of the Prophet! I am the noble warrior, Khalid bin Al Waleed!.It is the mightiest of things when the pot of war boils fiercely. These were the famous verses that Khalid use to recite in the battle field.I am the noble warrior, I am the Sword of God, I am Khalid bin Al Waleed.The earth destroys its fools, but the intelligent destroy the earth.Man intends one thing, but God intends another.I have dedicated my life to the way of God, Most High.Said this after getting dismissed from army by Caliph Umar in 638 A.D.The rainy night when I am standing wearing armor with sword and shield in my hand and looking again and again towards the eastern horizon, waiting for sun to rise so that I could start the battle.When I am in the battlefield, I love it more then when I am in my house.Said this to the Byzantine troops when they retreated from the battle field to the fortified town of Chalcis.If you were in the clouds, God would raise us to you or lower you to us for battle.Said this to one of his friend few days before he died, four years after dismissal from army.Do you see a space of the span of a hand on my leg, chest, arm which is not covered by some scar of the wound of a sword or an arrow or a lance ?.

Khalid talk